Liposuction for Men
fat removal ~ liposuction ~ lipoaspiration ~ London, Kent and Essex
choosing the Belvedere for Liposuction
Believe it or not, one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the UK is male liposuction.
In previous years, liposuction was a surgical procedure typically associated with females, with a tummy tuck being a popular method for females to quickly regain their physique and confidence. However, more males in the 21st century are turning to cosmetic procedures such as liposuction, to gain the appearance they desire, and to overcome any body image issues.
What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure aiming to remove stubborn body fat from the body. Male liposuction focuses specifically on the differences in the male body. The majority of men have problems losing fat from different areas of their body despite eating healthily and gaining regular exercise. This fat can be due to genetic factors or even the result of medical conditions, such as gynecomastia.
Treatment applies to different body types and can be used to treat body areas below the neck, some of the most commonly treated areas are: Chest, hips, abdomen, flanks, back, arms, buttocks, thighs and knees.

About the Liposuction Procedure
Both males and females present with two layers of fat beneath the skin, and liposuction targets the deeper layer of fat. During a traditional procedure, the cosmetic surgeon will make small incisions into the body and utilise a thin tube known as a cannula to disintegrate the fat. The breaking up of the fat is followed by removal of the fat and this is done using a surgical vacuum or syringe. This is a simple procedure and can be done quickly, but it can take longer if the patient requires fat removal from multiple areas.
Procedure type: Performed under anaesthetic
Procedure time: 1 -3 hours
No of procedures needed: 1 per area
Recovery time: 8-10 weeks

What are the Benefits of Liposuction for men?
On the morning of your first appointment following your liposuction procedure you will need to have a bath and remove the white dressing. Your stitches will be removed at The Belvedere Clinic. Following this appointment your dressing and pressure garment should be kept on and in place for 7 days. You will then be able to shower but not bath until skin is healed. The pressure garment should continue to be worn for a further 6 weeks. Your surgeon will discuss this in detail with you however if you have any queries feel free to call us on the number below.
Pre-operative preparation
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What are the Risks of Liposuction for men?
As with all things in life, liposuction presents with risks as well as benefits. Some typical side effects of the process include inflammation, numbness, bleeding, bruising, and skin burns in the affected area. More severe complications can be the development of infections, blood clots, or kidney problems.

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Liposuction is among the top options to remove fat from body areas where fat is usually accumulated. These areas differ for men and women! For males the most frequently treated body areas are belly, flanks, breasts (in cases of gynecomastia) and chin or neck! For females the most frequent treatments take place at hips, thighs, arms, buttocks and breasts.
Only a doctor would be able to tell you how much body fat can be removed from a patient in one operation. Remember that this is not meant as a weight loss alternative. The idea behind the procedure is to create a more appealing silhouette. There may not actually be that much weight lost, but the slimmer profile is the intended reward.
It is important that the surgeon you choose to do your liposuction procedure is fully qualified and highly experienced in liposuction surgery. Make sure that the clinic you choose is reputable and registered with the CQC (Care Quality Commission) or the HIW (Healthcare Inspectorate Wales). Some surgeons are also registered with the GMC (General Medical Council). And registered as specialist surgeon and also BAAP (British association of aesthetic plastic surgery). Ask your surgeon how many cosmetic procedures are performed on a daily basis which should give you an idea of how reputable the clinic is. A qualified cosmetic surgeon will have no problems showing you before and after photographs of recent procedures that they have completed.
As a surgical procedure liposuction comes with the normal risks associated with surgery. To reduce the potential risks you must be in good health, a non-smoker, within 30% of your ideal weight, and have firm elastic skin. You must also have realistic expectations and not expect the procedure to get rid of cellulite or help you lose weight but rather enhance the appearance of the body. The procedure is not recommended for those with health issues such as heart disease, blood flow problems, a weak immune system, or diabetes.
That depends on the extensiveness of the operation, how much fat is being removed as well as how many areas were addressed by a single procedure. Many patients have reported dynamic results within days of the procedure and many others had to wait 3 months and more. It will be important to consult a doctor before any realistic projections can be made.
Although the procedure permanently removes fat cells, weight can be gained in different areas of the body. To maintain the new shape of your body you should follow a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lean protein. Regular exercise will help keep your body in good shape.
Unless you have dissolvable stitches, they should be removed after about 7 – 10 wks
Depending on the type of surgery, you may not have to stay in a hospital, but there will be swelling, bruising, and soreness that will take a few weeks to subside. You will be given antibiotics to prevent infection and most patients are able to resume their normal activities within 2 weeks. You may be required to use a compression garment to control swelling for a month to two after the procedure.
After the procedure, full recovery takes about two weeks for a small area and you will be able to return to work within a few days. If the area was large you may have to take up to ten days off work.
With regards exercise, you will need to avoid any strenuous activity for up to four weeks, but walking and general movement should be fine. After six weeks you may be able to resume strenuous exercise again.
A significant fat loss will immediately be noticeable following your liposuction procedure. At first, there will be considerable swelling for the first week or two but as the swelling goes down, more dramatic results will be seen. Gradual improvement will continue until the final results will be evident, about three or four months after the procedure.
The aim of liposuction is to remove stubborn fat deposits that do not respond to other methods of weight loss. It works best for people who are healthy, close to normal weight and with tight skin who have already taken steps to change their lifestyles. It should not be considered as a treatment for obesity and it will not help you lose weight or remove cellulite or stretch marks.
People have different pain thresholds but generally, there is not too much pain involved. In rare cases where a patient experiences a high level of pain, it can be controlled with pain medication and usually subsides within a few days.
The areas on your body where fat is to be removed will be marked by the surgeon. The procedure is usually carried out under general anaesthetic, but for lower parts of the body epidural anaesthetic may sometimes be used. During the procedure, the surgeon will inject the area or areas with a solution to reduce the risk of bleeding, swelling and bruising. A small incision will then be made to insert the suction tube and the tube will be manipulated to loosen the fat and aspirate it out. When the surgeon is satisfied that the desired results have been met, excess blood and fluid will be drained out before stitching the wound. Afterward, the treated area will be bandaged and a pressure garment will be fitted.
The procedure can take anything from one to three hours, depending on the size of the area.
Most people stay in the hospital overnight but sometimes a longer stay of up to three days is required, depending on the size of the area treated and how well the patient responds.
How Long does the Pressure Garment Have to be Worn for? The pressure garment that is fitted after surgery must be worn between eight or more weeks. The period will depend on the advice of your surgeon based on your personal recovery. The pressure garment can be removed when having a shower.
Apart from the normal risks that surgery carries, there are risks of bruising, bleeding after surgery, loose skin, skin irregularities, and infection. Your patient advisor will guide you through the risks associated with liposuction procedures and deal with any questions or concerns you may have.
It is common to experience a significant amount of swelling and some bruising after liposuction that could last up to six months. If there is numbness, it usually goes away in about 6 – 8 weeks. There may be a certain amount of inflammation in the area and scarring may occur depending on your skin type. Fluid may seep from the wound for a few days. Swelling in the legs or ankles may occur if those areas have been treated.
The Belvedere encourages you to call in and speak to our team, as the cost will depend on the areas of the body to be treated, which also impacts the length of surgery time.
It is important to understand that liposuction is not a weight loss tool and should only be used to treat areas of resistant fat that a healthy diet and exercise have been unable remove. The weight of the aspirated fat removed is very small in relation to your total body weight. Your surgeon will remove just the right amount of fat to help you get the shape you desire.
By targeting well-defined areas of fat, your body shape will improve, your figure will be more in proportion, and your clothes will fit better, sometimes giving the appearance of significant weight loss.

Ready to discuss your liposuction procedure?
Get in touch with our friendly and helpful team now, for a no-obligation chat about your transformation.
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