Bariatric Gastric band Surgery

gastric banding surgery London, Essex, Kent

choosing the Belvedere for Bariatric Gastric Band Surgery

Gastric banding (bariatric) is a surgical procedure that involves fitting a band around the upper part of your stomach.

This type of surgery is usually only recommended as a last resort for people who are morbidly obese (those with a BMI of over 40), or those with a BMI of between 30-40 who also have a condition that poses a serious health risk, such as diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), or heart disease.  If you are very obese, gastric banding can be used as a way of helping you to lose weight by controlling the amount of food that you eat.

With this procedure you will need to stay in for 1-2 nights following your surgery. You will need to be on a liquid diet for 4 week and we will ask you to re-visit the clinic for a band check after 4 weeks.

how des gastric banding work
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What is the Procedure for Bariatric Gastric Band Surgery?

Once the gastric band is in place it can be adjusted externally (outside the body) at any time by a surgeon. This means the band can be made either tighter or looser, depending on the amount of food your surgeon wants to restrict you from eating.

Our surgeon can make the band tighter by adding salt water (saline) into the band. This slows down the amount of food that can pass through your stomach – meaning you stay feeling full for longer. To loosen the band, some of the salt water fluid is removed, meaning food passes through quicker to your digestive system. Generally, a gastric band is loose to start and then tightened when you are used to eating less food.

A gastric band is designed to remain permanently within your stomach. However it can be removed, and in the majority of cases leaves you with no permanent changes to your stomach.

The procedure to fit a gastric band can involve a certain degree of complication, for example there is a risk of infection, and in rare cases, leaking into your stomach may occur.

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Your body mass index (BMI)

Since their operation with the Belvedere Clinic, previous patients have gone on to lead a healthy life changing future.

Research by the National Bariatric Surgery Registry revealed that operations on severely obese patients prevented or eliminated premature death, disease and disability. Type 2 diabetes cases have decreased significantly since the introduction of gastric band surgery, with the average patient shedding nearly 60% of excess body weight.

How to calculate your BMI

If you know your weight and height you can try the BMI calculator on the NHS website.

A person with a BMI between 35.0 – 39.9 may be eligible for weight loss surgery if they have co-morbidities (medical illnesses/diseases that are either caused by or contributed to by the excess weight that can result either in significant physical disability or even death.)

Morbidly Obese: “Morbid obesity” means that a person is either 50%-100% over normal weight, more than 100 pounds over normal weight, has a BMI of 40 or higher, or is sufficiently overweight to severely interfere with health or normal function.

BMI Classification Health Risk Surgery Category
Under 18.5
N / A
18.5 – 24.9
Healthy weight
N / A
25 – 29.9
30 – 34.9
35 – 39.9
Severely obese
Very high
Medically necessary
40 and over
Morbidly obese
Extremely high
Usually medically necessary

FAQ about bariatric gastric banding surgery

It can take between 30 minutes to 2 hours with the added time of putting you under anesthesia and having you awaken from it. You will need a 1 or 2 night stay at the Belvedere hospital after your surgery.

This depends on the type of surgery you get but it also has much to do with how well you stick to a new diet and lifestyle. You must work at increasing exercise and reducing your caloric intake. If you do not, you will not lose as much as you want to and you might even regain the weight you lost following surgery. You should be able to lose more than 50 percent of your excess weight and not regain it.

If you are considered a high-risk patient, you may but your doctor will discuss this with you beforehand.

Unfortunately, yes, you must. The reason is that smoking can increase complications during surgery. You could have more trouble with healing or you could end up with a chest infection. If you do not stop smoking you will not be considered for the surgery. You must at least involve yourself in stop smoking interventions. They are offered just about everywhere.

You might and this is due to the fact that hair can become thinner with weight loss. It is usually temporary and you can take special vitamins to restore your hair to its natural thickness. It should resolve itself after a few months.

After you lose a significant amount of weight, you will likely notice the areas around the tummy, the arms, thighs, and breasts do get saggy. This depends on how much weight you lose and your age. You can do exercises to help combat the saggyness, and if it truly bothers you, it is possible to get it corrected with plastic surgery. You will not be able to get this funded by the NHS, however. You must be careful to keep folds of skin clean and dry because infections can result.

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