choosing the Belvedere for Breast Reduction Surgery
For men having excess weight on the chest can give the appearance of breasts and is often embarrassing and many men become self-conscious and anxious about being seen topless.
Breast reduction at the Belvedere Clinic can remove the excess fat from the chest and the result is a flatter more contoured chest.
Gynecomastia, man boobs or “Moobs” as they are more commonly known have caused men constant embarrassment and distress for years. Gynecomastia is caused by the development of unusually large glands in men resulting in breast enlargement, and with studies showing that 47% of men in the UK hate the look of their chests, just as many are seeking help to correct these problem areas.

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Procedure Time: 1-1.5 hours
No of Proc Needed: Varies
Length of Results: Varies
Recovery Time: 4-6 weeks
Male breast reduction at The Belvedere Clinic is done with liposuction. Small incisions are made around the nipple and the fat cells are broken down and sucked out, if necessary glandular tissue may also be removed although this is dependant on the individual. The incisions are then repaired with dissolvable sutures that do not need to be removed.

48 hours after your breast reduction procedure you can bath below the waist. Dressing should be left intact and dry for 2 weeks and then removed without getting wet. All sutures are absorbable and a lycra garment should be worn day and night for 3 weeks. Your surgeon will discuss this in detail with you however if you have any queries feel free to call us on the number below.
The Belvedere Clinic has been a market leader in gynecomastia and female breast surgery for over 30 years.

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Get in touch with our friendly and helpful team now, for a no-obligation chat about your transformation.
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Meet the TeamMale Breast Reduction FAQs
For many men, the subject of having excess weight on their chest is a sensitive and painful one. The excess weight (known as gynecomastia) can lead to the appearance of male breasts (or man boobs) which is embarrassing for some. If the problem is particularly pronounced, it can cause severe anxiety, body image issues and a reluctance to engage with society.
To combat this problem, many men who suffer in this way are choosing to undergo male breast reduction surgery. This is particularly useful if you have tried to beat the problem with changes to your diet or increased exercise but with no success.
If you are thinking of having this treatment done but need a bit more information, our FAQ should help.
Male breast reduction surgery is a surgical procedure to reduce abnormally large glands and/or fat deposits on the chest. Once these are removed or reduced, your chest should look flatter. Once the procedure is done, your chest area should also look in better proportion to the rest of your body.
The operation is done via liposuction. After a small cut is made around the nipple area, the excess fat cells are sucked out and any glandular tissue removed if necessary. The procedure usually takes around an hour and you should usually fully recover in about a month afterwards.
As with any cosmetic surgery procedure, there are some risks involved. However, if you choose a reputable and skilled surgeon to perform it, they are small. Possible side effects can include fluid accumulation in the chest area or infection although these should not be an issue if the procedure is done well.
This is the million dollar question! It is impossible to give a general answer as it all depends on the person. Obviously, if you have more fat to remove or larger glands to deal with, then you may need more treatments than someone who does not.
Many people have a couple of cosmetic surgery procedures done at the same time as this reduces overall recovery time. As far as male breast reduction surgery goes, it is possible to have other similar treatments carried out at the same time. It is always wise to get the advice of a qualified surgeon in this area though.