choosing the Belvedere for your Ear surgery
There are various ear surgeries we are able to offer you including earlobe reduction, ear pinning (Ototplasty or Pinnaplasty) and split ear repair.
Earlobe reduction consists of injecting the earlobe with a local anaesthesia before cutting a part of the earlobe out. Then the remaining lobe is reattached to the head – resulting in a smaller, more youthful ear.
Otoplasty which is also known as Pinnaplasty or ear pinning is a fantastic way to reshape the ear. This is a relatively straightforward and simple cosmetic surgery procedure to resize, reshape, reposition and/or hold back the ears.
Split ear lobe repair surgery is conducted under local anaesthetic, and is a relatively quick and simple procedure. Your consultant plastic surgeon will remove the edges of the torn lobe then fine sutures will be used to ensure the earlobe is accurately repaired, this ensures a normal natural earlobe is created to enhance your natural ear shape.
If your ears are causing you concern and you would like to discuss your options with one of our specialist surgeons, contact one of our patient coordinators who will be happy to book you in.

Ready to discuss your ear surgery?
Get in touch with our friendly and helpful team now, for a no-obligation chat about your transformation.
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